A Little Gem: COL-LAB Eyeshadow Primer

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An unsponsored mini-review of COL-LAB's The Fundamental Eyeshadow Primer.

I am on the hunt for the top eyeshadow primers. I'm still in the testing phase, but I have found an early contender that I really like and I suspect will end up on my list: The Fundamental Eye Shadow Primer by COL-LAB, the new makeup line created by eight beauty influencers and sold exclusively here at sallybeauty.com. I have been using it consistently for a week, with different eyeshadow combinations and formulas.

What do I like about this primer? It is invisible and applies smoothly. In fact, it is considerably smoother than a lot of the other primers I'm testing. One beef I have with many eyeshadow primers is that they crumble or skip over the skin as you apply them, which can add texture and lead to uneven-looking eyeshadow. As a forty-something with hooded eyelids that are starting to wrinkle and crepe, I need a smooth finish that also resists creasing, which can be tricky to pull off. So far, the COL-LAB primer is delivering on both fronts.

I think we have a little gem on our hands.

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